Why Cricut Design Space Won’t Open On My Mac [Solutions]

Cricut Design Space Mac
September 26, 2022 by
Richie Remington

There may be various reasons why Cricut Design Space won’t open on my Mac. You have come to the right blog; we will discuss all the possible troubleshooters with their solutions.

There may be many reasons why Design Space won’t open on your Mac; that might be because of using an outdated version of Design Space or any security settings of your Mac preventing the installation, and many more.   

Using Outdated Version

Using an outdated version of Cricut Design Space may be why your Design Space is not working/showing a blank screen. So, If you’re using Design Space version 6.11 or older version, the Design Space version screen must be blank and won’t be showing anything. You can install the latest version of Design Space to resolve this issue. All you need to do is uninstall Design Space and reinstall the official website of Cricut, “design.cricut.com.” Here are the steps you can follow to Install Design Space on your Mac:

  1. Go to the official website of Cricut, “design.cricut.com.”
  2. You will see Download options for Mac; click on the Download.
  3. It will take a few minutes to download depending upon your Internet Connection.
  4. After Cricut Design Space is installed on your Mac, go to the downloaded file and open the file.

It will install and add the app to your launchpad. Refer to our “Security Settings of Mac Preventing Installation” if you have blocked third-party applications accessibility. 

Malware Attack 

Cricut has detected issues related to Malware in their application which Cricut does not yet resolve. We hope they will resolve this issue soon since they have acknowledged it and must be working on the resolution.

Man In The Middle Attack (MITM)

We have experienced that the HTTPS has been subject to Man in the middle attack (MITM) due to the websites with fake proxies and certificates. To verify this on your Mac, here are the following steps you can do:

1. Open Safari and go to www.google.com.

2. Click on the padlock icon beside the page address.

3. A pop-up window will open; click on the Show Adress option.

4. If you see the following message, “Go proxy untrusted MITM proxy Inc” there is a self-signed root certificate authority that the Mac trusts. 

5. The Trusted Certificates list is in Keychain Access in the System Settings. To open the “list of trusted certificates,” go to Settings, search Keychain Access in Settings, and select System.

If you find the same on your screen, there’s Malware suspected in your Mac. We tried scanning our system with different anti-virus software, but it could not detect any unusual behavior. We encourage the affected users to contact Apple Support for detailed investigation and resolution assistance.

Security Settings of Mac Preventing Installation

If you receive the following message, “Security Settings are Preventing Installation,” on your screen after installing the Design Space on your Mac.  

Don’t worry; with some simple steps, you can resolve it by following the below-mentioned steps and changing the Security Settings on your Mac.

  1. Go to Settings on your Mac.
  2. Click on Security & Privacy and click on the Privacy column.
  3. After clicking on the Privacy column in Security & Privacy, you will find your Cricut Design Space in the list. Click on the tick option beside it to permit Design Access Space.

Final Words

Most of the problems users face are because of the outdated version of their Design Space Application or because of their Mac privacy settings which prevent applications from accessing.

We have discussed all the possible solutions to why Cricut Design Space won’t open on my Mac. If you have more queries related to Cricut, please mention us in the comment below. We will be very happy to help you again.  

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do I update the Design Space on my Mac?

Select the account menu in the upper left corner of the Design Space and then click on the Update Design Space.

Does Cricut Work with MacBook Air?

Cricut uses Design Space which is compatible with all windows and Mac. You can even use Cricut on your phone on iOS & android.  

Why does my Cricut app not open?

Sign out from the Cricut Design Space account and restart your device to resign in. If the problem still exists after restarting the device, try uninstalling and reinstalling the application.

SOURCE: Why Cricut Design Space Won’t Open On My Mac